Dear Students,
GOOGLE in association with NASSCOM and Regional Centre for Enterpreneurship Development (RCED) is offering Google Scholarship Program to impart Professional Skills. This program is now open for second year UG students also. Candidates will get Coursera Certification with additional Soft skill training of minimum 20 hours (offline).
*Courses Offered:-*
1. Google Analytics
2. Google IT Support
3. Google IT Automation
4. Google Project Management
5. Google UX Design
•All Second Year Under Gradute (Batch 2020-2023) ONLY
•Interested Canditates must register on or before 22 March 2022 at the links given below:
College Link
AndCompany Link
For further details, kindly refer to the notice attached:
For queries, contact:
Dr. Ritika Bansal
Dr. Ritu Rani