Celebrating Golden Years

Geetanjali Counselling Helpline

Geetanjali Counselling Helpline


The Geetanjali Counselling Helpline at Mehr Chand Mahajan DAV College for Women, Chandigarh ” strives to raise awareness about the mental health continuum, organize sensitization programmes on varied array of psychosocial issues, fight stigmatization in the society, empower our college students to face life challenges, promote emotional well-being practices, stress management, teach effective coping strategies, promote help seeking behaviour and address psychological concerns of the stakeholders (UG/PG students from all academic disciplines/courses/streams, ex-students, faculty members and non-teaching staff).


The Geetanjali Helpline launched their mental health initiative of “Swachh Mann Abhiyan” to celebrate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in November, 2019. It is a promising and innovative concept to weave Gandhian philosophy into mental hygiene movement. This mental health helpline seeks to create a supportive campus culture for the holistic development of every student by fostering empathy, resilience and understanding.


As per the directions of University Grants Commission (UGC), to address the potential impact of the pandemic outbreak and the resultant lockdown on the students’ psychological well-being and emotional health, the Geetanjali Counselling Helpline Committee launched an innovative online initiative “Geetanjali Student Online Forum” on 30th April, 2020 and is functioning till date on the theme “MCM Mental Health Wellness Program during COVID-19” as a part of Student Support Services. This online forum was created under the leadership of our honorable Principal Dr Nisha Bhargava and Dr Nitasha Khehra, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Convener, Geetanjali Counselling Helpline. The primary objectives of this online forum were to extend valuable mentorship, effective group counseling, strong social connections, emotional support as a buffer to overcome stress, enhance motivation and increase resilience to handle unprecedented changes due to the pandemic.


The Geetanjali Helpline Committee as a part of Student Support Services emphasizes mental health awareness advocacy, identification and resolution of academic, psychological and interpersonal problems among college students. The primary objective is to reduce distress and disability by ensuring accessibility to mental health care services. Mental illness has surged to epidemic proportions in the recent decades and due to myriad reasons, the youth are reluctant to seek professional help primarily being social stigma and discrimination. Common reasons why college students seek out counselling include:
• Life transition and adjustment issues.
• Personal growth and understanding.
• Anxiety, Stress, Depression or Loneliness.
• Academic difficulties
• Relationship difficulties.
• Medical / Psychiatric Illness
• Substance Abuse
• Technological Addiction
• Sexuality and Gender Identity.


1. Several interactive sessions are organized to educate, support and sensitize our college students towards mental health literacy.
2. We encourage catharsis of their emotional concerns for early intervention and encourage open dialogue in this regard.
3. We also strive towards an open and healthy interaction with parents and teachers for students’ concerns.
4. Short term counselling and psychotherapeutic intervention is provided by the members of the committee with no fees.
5. The counselling process is kept confidential except in a condition where disclosure is necessary to protect the student or another person or abide by the Institute Policy.
6. The duration of each counselling session is flexible with regular follow up sessions as per requirement (weekly/monthly basis) and a detailed record of the student is maintained.
7. In case of high severity of their symptoms which warrants the need for medication, the students are referred to a highly reputed Psychiatrist at a Medical Institute/Hospital.

Dr Nitasha Khehra (Convener)
Assistant Professor,PG Department of Psychology

Dr Bhavna Sood
Assistant Professor, PG Department of Sociology

Dr Bindu Dogra
Assistant Professor, PG Department of Sociology
Dr Shefali Dhiman
Assistant Professor, PG Department of Chemistry
Dr Vandita Kapoor
Assistant Professor, PG Department of Commerce
Dr Leetika
Assistant Professor, PG Department of Mathematics


Staff Grievance Cell of the college

Mrs. Poonam DevasherAssociate Professor and HeadDepartment of History
Dr. Mini GrewalAssociate ProfessorDepartment of History
Ms. Madhvi BajajAssociate Professor and HeadDepartment of Economics
Dr. Geeta BhagatAssistant Professor Department of Psychology
Dr. NeetuAssistant Professor and HeadDepartment of Zoology
Dr. Seema KanwarAssistant Professor and HeadDepartment of Sanskrit

Students’ Grievance Cell of the college

Mrs. Poonam Devasher (Convener)Associate Professor and HeadDepartment of History
Mrs. Vandana SyalAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science
Mrs. Nidhi SharmaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Commerce
Mrs. Shelly NandaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Commerce
Dr. Shefali DhimanAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Chemistry
Dr. Arshdeep Kaur Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Commerce
Ms. SidaqAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Commerce
President Student Council of the college
Vice President Student Council of the college
Secretary Student Council of the college

Hostel Grievance Redressal Cell

Ms. Madhvi Bajaj (Convener)Associate ProfessorDepartment of Economics
Dr. Mini Grewal (Co-Convener)Associate ProfessorDepartment of History
Mrs. Baljeet Kaur Tiwana (Coordinator)Assistant ProfessorDepartment of History
Dr. Bindu DograAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Sociology
Dr. Jasmine AnandAssistant ProfessorDepartment of English
Dr. Neha PandeyaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Psychology
Mr. Pawan SharmaSuperintendent Accounts
Hostel Student Representative (Hostel Wise)

Staff Grievance Cell of the college

Mrs. Poonam DevasherAssociate Professor and HeadDepartment of History
Dr. Mini GrewalAssociate ProfessorDepartment of History
Ms. Madhvi BajajAssociate Professor and HeadDepartment of Economics
Dr. Geeta BhagatAssistant Professor Department of Psychology
Dr. NeetuAssistant Professor and HeadDepartment of Zoology
Dr. Seema KanwarAssistant Professor and HeadDepartment of Sanskrit

Students’ Grievance Cell of the college

Mrs. Poonam Devasher (Convener)Associate Professor and HeadDepartment of History
Mrs. Vandana SyalAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science
Mrs. Nidhi SharmaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Commerce
Mrs. Shelly NandaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Commerce
Dr. Shefali DhimanAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Chemistry
Dr. Arshdeep Kaur Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Commerce
Ms. SidaqAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Commerce
President Student Council of the college
Vice President Student Council of the college
Secretary Student Council of the college

Hostel Grievance Redressal Cell

Ms. Madhvi Bajaj (Convener)Associate ProfessorDepartment of Economics
Dr. Mini Grewal (Co-Convener)Associate ProfessorDepartment of History
Mrs. Baljeet Kaur Tiwana (Coordinator)Assistant ProfessorDepartment of History
Dr. Bindu DograAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Sociology
Dr. Jasmine AnandAssistant ProfessorDepartment of English
Dr. Neha PandeyaAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Psychology
Mr. Pawan SharmaSuperintendent Accounts
Hostel Student Representative (Hostel Wise)
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