Celebrating Golden Years

Tenders and Quotations

Tenders and Quotations

Sealed Quotation invited for FLOORING IN CORRIDOR OF ARTS BLOCK 07 December, 2022, Please click here

Sealed quotations for Furnishing Work for office block 11 February, 2021, Please click here

Sealed quotations for partitions, Cabins and workstations 11 February, 2021, Please click here

Tender document for purchase of Computers

Quotations Notice-INS Accredited Advertising Agencies



1. Providing and laying factory made champherd CC paver blocks 60mm thick M35 strength including 50mm coarse sand base as per specification including raising of man hole covers etc. and dismantling for leveling of base surface. The above item includes surface preparation and laying of paver blocks complete as per direction of engineer in charge.
Area: 3200sqft in block A & B, Hostel

2. Providing and laying factory made champherd CC paver blocks 60mm thick M35 strength including 50mm coarse sand base as per specification including raising of man hole covers etc. and dismantling for leveling of base surface. The above item includes surface preparation and laying of paver blocks complete as per direction of engineer in charge.

Area : 4800sqft in block C & D, Hostel

Specification of Work:-

1. 60mm thick paver blocks of M35 grade should be of approved make, Colour, Design, Pattern and should be factory made.
2. The Rate of Item includes the raising of man hole covers, drain covers if any. Nothing extra shall be paid for the same.
3. For maintaining required levels of paver blocks, any dismantling required included in items.
4. Work shall be carried out as per CPWD specification and as per instruction of engineer in charge.
5. Payment shall be made after complete satisfaction of work.
6. Time period for completion of work is 30 days from date of order.

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